The Surgery will be migrating to a new clinical system from 21st May. From the 15th May when our data is being converted , we will be offering Emergency only appointments and any prescriptions will need to be hand written and collected from the Surgery.

We will still be available to you , but ask that you bear with us whilst we undertake this upgrade. We anticipate normal service will be resumed by the end of the migration week

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Test Results

The surgery does not routinely contact patients to give them test results. We only contact patients where there is a need for follow-up.

If you want to access your results you can do this via the NHS app. If you are not registered for the NHS app please check the links below or click here for further information of how to get started.

Please only contact reception for blood test results mid-morning or late afternoon when our reception team have more time to deal with your request.

We will only provide test results for those tests requested in primary care. For tests requested by the hospital doctor you will need to contact the hospital directly as it is their responsibility to interpret and arrange any necessary follow-up.

Allow five days for the results to come back to the surgery. Some test results may take longer.

We do not accept any samples from patients that have not been requested.

Alternatively, if you have queries on your test results, you can submit an Online Consultation