The Surgery will be migrating to a new clinical system from 21st May. From the 15th May when our data is being converted , we will be offering Emergency only appointments and any prescriptions will need to be hand written and collected from the Surgery.

We will still be available to you , but ask that you bear with us whilst we undertake this upgrade. We anticipate normal service will be resumed by the end of the migration week

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The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service. Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you’re helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.

We are aware that things can go wrong resulting in an unsatisfied experience.We are aware that things can go wrong resulting in an unsatisfied experience. Please fill out the complaint form to advise us about any concerns you may have.

This form is for feedback only and no requests for medications, appointments or other issues will be actioned.